Can Rats Eat Onions? (Cooked or Uncooked?) What You Need To Know

3 red onions that rats can eat if they are cooked

If you are seeking the answer to whether onions are safe for rats to eat, you’ve come to the right place. I remember struggling with this question myself back in the days, and I must have tried to look it up at least a few times. I wanted to create a good article on this subject because I had a hard time finding a good answer online.

With the ridiculous amounts of food out there, it is impossible to keep track of every item a rat can and can’t eat. Luckily, the internet is filled with articles like this one, which will happily give you the answers you seek.


Can rats eat onions?

Yes, rats can eat onions. It must be cooked though, as raw onions contain toxins that are harmful to rats. As long as the onion is cooked, boiled, or even grilled, they are completely safe to eat in reasonable quantities. Many rats like onions, so you should try them out!

Onions can be part of your rat’s diet, but should only be fed occasionally in small bits. Raw onions are acidic, which can easily upset a small animal’s stomach. Remember, rats can’t burp like us, so any gas buildup in their stomachs will be hard for them to dispose of.

The toxic parts of the onion are mostly disposed of when you cook it. Because of this, it is completely fine to feed rats onions after you’ve cooked them. I used to cook onions in the pan before occasionally mixing in some with my rat’s other food. I don’t think it was his favorite food, but he always ate it regardless. Other people’s rats seem to love onions, so your mileage may vary.

Why are onions good for rats?

Generally, you don’t want to feed your rat foods that full of sugar and fat. Doing so is a surefire way to make the pet fat, which is something you’d want to avoid as much as possible, as fat rats are less healthy than their in-shape friends. Onions are good in this regard, with only 40 calories per 100g. The energy contents are so low because onions are almost void of fat & sugar contents.

Additionally, onions contain a healthy amount of fiber, something that helps the rat digest and get rid of food. With only 1.6g of fiber per 100g of onion, they aren’t one of the most fiber-rich foods, though. Other foods, blueberries, for example, contain even more.

Onions contain healthy Vitamins & antioxidants. One thing to keep in mind though is that when cooking an onion, some of the nutrition gets lost. This isn’t a deal-breaker by any means, but remember that your rat should never eat an uncooked onion. Cooked onions are not the best source of nutrients, so I would prefer feeding other veggies and fruits.

Are onions bad for rats?

Raw onions are bad for rats. They will upset their stomachs and can potentially cause amenia. Never feed raw onions to your rats, because of the problems they can cause with their small bodies.

Cooked onions are fine for rats, though. in the cooking process, the vegetable becomes less acidic, and the toxins are mostly removed. Even if the onions are cooked, don’t feed too much. Just mix in a few pieces with their food on occasion. 

Rat diet guide – What should you feed them?

Feeding a rat isn’t always that easy. If you are a new rat owner, you might need some help with how much your rat should eat, what proportions of each food, and so on. I’ll give a quick summary of the subject here.

The first thing to consider is the nutritional split. There are 3 main foods that every rat’s diet should include. These pillars are high-quality blocks (store-bought food), vegetables, and treats

An often debated question is which proportions of these 3 pillars are the most beneficial. I would recommend going for 75% store-bought food, 20% vegetables, and 5% treats. This is the mix I used for my pet rats, and it worked well for me.

When it comes to what foods you should include, there isn’t much debate. Most people agree on what the 3 pillars should be made up of.

For storebought food, check out my comparison on the best brands for different rats here!

The vegetable pillar should be made up of veggies like bananas, cucumbers, celery, parsley, green cabbage, broccoli, and so on. Most vegetables are completely fine for rats to eat, and if you are unsure, a search on the web will most likely give you the answer.

Finally, the smallest category, treats, should be made up of things like pasta, oatmeal, cereal without added sugar, berries, fruits, bits of melon, popcorn, rice, nuts, and more. 

This is by no means a complete list. Most foods that humans eat are okay for rats as well, with a few exceptions. If you are unsure, the answer to whether a specific food is okay for rats is easy to find on the internet.


So, can rats eat onions? Yes, they can! As long as they are cooked, and not raw, onions are fine for rats. Because of rats’ inability to burp, foods that are highly acidic, such as onions, can cause problems. While they are okay for rats to eat, they shouldn’t make up a big part of their diet.

Onions are just one of the hundreds of vegetables you can include in your rat’s diet. You should try to vary the food by including many different variants. This way it stays interesting: eating the same food quickly becomes bland.


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